Lakaniemi-Pokela-Pyhälahti kyläseura ry register and Privacy statement
According to the data protection regulations, the controller has the obligation to clearly inform the data subjects. This statement fulfills the obligation to inform.
Lakaniemi-Pokela-Pyhälahti kyläseura ry, vat code FI14974818
Puimalatie 9
90240 OULU
Contact information in matters concerning the register
Markku Liikala
Phone. 040 5689110
Email markku.liikala(at)
Purpose of the register
We collect information from our customers for managing and developing the customer and cooperation relationship. The customer's data is collected and processed to manage inquiries, offers, orders or contracts received from the customer and to offer information, products or services in such customer service situations.
The information is also used for direct marketing, if the customer has registered himself and provided his contact information and consent. The customer has the right to refuse direct marketing aimed at him.
We also collect information from potential customers and partners in the register. Information is collected from the individuals themselves and from publicly available sources such as the websites of companies or organizations. The information is used to enable cooperation and trade.
The data is also processed for statistical purposes to find out how users use the website and to analyze search behavior. Such information is processed only as a compilation and in such a form that no individual person can be identified.
Data content of the register
Content of the register of customers and partners: company name, customer/contact name, e-mail address, phone number, address, billing information, documents sent by the customer, information related to discussions and correspondence. Marketing register and register of potential customers: Company name, contact name and email address.
Information sources
Information received from the customer is stored in the register. Information may also be retrieved from YTJ's company search, from the customer's website or from other public sources.
Duration of data processing
The data will be stored for the time being. As a general rule, personal data is processed as long as the customership or partnership is valid. After the end of the customer relationship, the information is archived. Those registered to our marketing list have the option to unsubscribe themselves through the link in each of our marketing emails.
Disclosure of information
Personal data will not be disclosed to third parties. Information can be published to the extent agreed with the customer.
Personal data processors
The staff of the Lakaniemi-Pokela-Pyhälahti kyläseura ry granted the right of use by the registrar.
Registry protection
Care is taken when processing the register and the information processed with the help of information systems is properly protected. When registry data is stored on internet servers, the physical and digital data security of their hardware is taken care of accordingly. The registrar ensures that stored data as well as server access rights and other data critical to the security of personal data are handled confidentially and only by those employees whose job description it is.
Rights of the registrant
The registered person has the right to check what information about him is stored in the personal data register. A written revision request must be sent signed to the person in charge of registry matters markku.liikala(at)
The registered person has the right to demand the correction, deletion or transfer of incorrect or outdated data from one system to another.
The registered person has the right to withdraw his previously given consent to the processing of data or to file a complaint with the supervisory authorities about matters related to the processing of his personal data.
The registrant also has the right to deny the use of their data for direct marketing purposes.